Monday, 31 October 2011

A Random Blog About Life Being Short & Change

I've realised recently that not everything in life happens as we would like it to. People change, friendships change. Everything you once knew and loved can change before your very eyes and you only notice when something happens that you don't agree with.

Change is something that's been happening a lot in my life recently. I know I already wrote about change but it struck me again just this week that things in life can change so quickly and you should never take anything that you have for granted, whether that be friendships, relationships or a general routine you had and grew comfortable in.

Life really is too short to worry about things that might or could happen and if something good in happening in your life you should grasp it and cherish it while you still have it.

Change is not always a bad thing. New people come into your life and sometimes it'll be these people that will help shape you into a better person and take you out of your comfort zone. I think we all get comfortable and so we are scared of the unknown but we really should take opportunities to do new things and meet new people because as i've already said, life is too short. 

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened"

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years"  ~Abraham Lincoln

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies"

Monday, 24 October 2011


I am going to see Steps with my friend Megan in April 2012! I am sooo excited! It's hilarious really, they were never really THAT good a band but I absolutely loved them when they were around so of course when I heard that they were coming to Belfast we decided that we were definitely going!

This is some good news and something to look forward after the crappy few weeks I've been having!

Now if this weather would just improve...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Too Busy To Blog...?! my maths it's been nearly a whole week since I was last here! Opps...
But i've had such a busy week! So many rehearsals and things to do at lunchtimes and on top of it all I had essays and homeworks to do as well! I'm bored and tired just reading all of that..

I've had a lot going on this week personally as well. Things I won't write here but I haven't had much sleep over it and so i'm just drained as well. Ahh! It's been stressful! But there is light at the end of this deep, dark tunnel of despressingness! 

The rehearsals on Saturday from 9am to 4pm were slow going but progress was made and we'll soon be starting Act 2 at last! I also managed to keep up with all of my work at school and do a good few essays, surprising myself a few times.... Half term break starts next friday and I'm off for a week from school so that will give me time to sort out things I need to and to just basically relax as there are no 42nd Street rehearsals!

So all in all, maybe not the best week. But i'm not the sort of person to keep on mulling over the bad things that happen in's better to sort through them, stay strong and keep going!

Monday, 17 October 2011

A Pick-Me-Up Quote

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”  - Henry Ford

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Rehearsals & A Flu Injection

It's hard to believe that another weekend is nearly over already! I don't have a very exciting week coming up...

If you can't make that out, it's my schedule for rehearsals! And yes..that does say next SATURDAY from 9am - 4pm!! :|

And the above is for my swine flu and common flu injection! So that'll be funnnnnn.....

Thursday, 13 October 2011

No Sleep & No Uniform

It's nearly half 8 in the evening and all I seem to have done tonight is yawn repeatedly! I am sooooo very tired! And when I say this to people in school they always reply with, "You have 12 free periods a week, sleep in them!" If only it were that simple! I have numerous essays to do for my subjects and I never have time for sleeping!

I am also completely exhausted as I am taking part in the school's production of 42nd Street and I've been at rehearsals after school and at lunch time for the last few weeks! It's so tiring but I'll be glad I took part when it's all over!

Tomorrow is non uniform day which always strikes a chord in an all girls school because for about a week until the day all you hear anyone asking is, "so what are you wearing to non uniform day?" The only reason I get excited is because I can sleep for a little longer in the morning because I can ready really quickly when I don't have to put on a uniform! Hurrah!

So, not much else to write really today. This was a bit of a pointless blog today but hey, who's reading it anyway!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Looking Back...

I'm in one of those nostalgic moods.. so here are 5 of my favourite photos from 2010/11! :

1) This is us at Street Reach back in April. I love this photo because it was a really good team and such a good week!

2) Yes, another group photo! This time in Castlewellan - camping! I really enjoyed that weekend, speaking to people I didn't know that well and of course, staying up until half 4 in the morning to see the sunrise!

3) Moving on... No i should explain. #CastlwellanWeekend2kaii11 back in February! This was our youth leader Nellie 'Neal' Wilkinson...he's a little unusual but we don't judge him as - WE R WHO WE R

4) This is me running through the fountains in Ballycastle at our Alf weekend away last October! It looks like the water hit didn't! I loved this weekend, lots to think about but sooooo much banterrrrrrrrrr!

5) Me and my sister Sophie in August of this year. She's in Uni at the minute in Coventry. I miss having her around the house as someone who I can act like an idiot with!

Well, that's five photos to illustrate some of my year..i miss the old times!

BONUS PHOTO: This is me and that crazy guy Nellie from earlier. We're pitying the fool at his 'Last Hurrah' before he ran off to America. It won't be long until he is back for Christmas which is soooo exciting! Meanwhile my only message to him for now is: I P-P-P-P-PITY THE FOOL!!!

Monday, 10 October 2011

If We Were Only That Little Bit Braver

“I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection.”  ― Billy Joel

Holla Billy, holla.

Hens Will Kiss Turkeys

I tweeted this very title had an interesting response..

Well no, it had NOTHING to do with the above suggestion!

A man came into school today to talk about effective ways of studying. You're probably asleep just reading that line..I know we all were! But it turned out to be quite interesting after all. He told us all about the brain and how we don't always use the parts that we should. And as for the 'Hens Will Kiss Turkeys' it's key word he would use if he was tying to remember the rhyme Humpty Dumpty.
H - Humpty
W - Wall
K - King
T - Together

Picking out words in things and making up funny sentences is a way to help yourself remember key points for an exam! I think i'll put his ideas to good use over the next few months and see what happens. I also found out that I am more of a Linguistic learner (meaning I am into creative writings and literature etc) and there was another one that I actually can't remember the name of but it was more or less saying I was an extrovert, (being able to speak to new people, talk in a large crowd, be confident in front of others).

One last thing that was mentioned is that men, yes - MEN, are more in touch with their emotions than women!

They will be more likely to want to cry at a movie, be more hurt over a relationship breakdown and have more to say using their emotions than they would ever let on. My friends and I laughed at this.

It's a VERY interesting thing to know.....

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changessss (Not the Bowie Classic)

So tonight I went to Alf, (that's our Youth Fellowship).  I haven't been in a while. There's been a lot of change going on at the minute, people leaving new people arriving. And as exciting as all this is, I have to admit - I'm a creature of habit and really hate the thought of change! I think it scares me! I get very comfortable with the people around me and I hate having to adjust to a new scheme of things! This sounds very selfish I know!

So yes, Alf! (I used 'so' again didn't i? Drat!) I actually found it really good tonight! Plenty to think about and actually it was very relevant to how I am feeling at the minute. I wonder if maybe I was meant to go tonight, if you get me!??! (A classic example of why my blog is called Written Nonsense!!!)

I think maybe over time, I will start to get back into the way of things. Don't get me wrong, I love that new people have joined and are leading us but I look back over old photos and can't help but miss the old times a little bit. But of course, there are new times to be had and I know that at the end of the year there will be new memories that we'll look back and laugh at! :)

It's a lot to think about and have to get used to but  I think if I really work at it I'll get used to it all!

Over and Out!

Starting Out!

My name is Vivien and I'm 17. (boring bit over)

I thought i'd try out this blogging business since a few of my friends have started to do it. Theirs always seems to really interesting and funny..unfortunately I can't promise that this will be either of those things but I'll try my very best!

Today is a Sunday and I have absolutely NOTHING to do! Sunday's always seem like a day to tie up loose ends but for once I have nought to have to do and all my homework has either been done or can wait for another day!