Thursday 19 January 2012

Growing Pains: Individuality

This is definitely one of my pet hates, people copying other people's ideas and style for their own. You were born to be a unique person of your own!

(Don't worry, this post will be brief)
Growing up you meet a lot of people in your life. You make a strong group of friends and sooner or later you're all wearing the same sort of thing and are interested in the same sorts of things. Of course, that's completely normal. You're friends with someone because of your similar interests! No, what's gets to me is when people change who they are and the way they act in order to be friends with someone. As I already said, you were born to be your own person, so that's why it annoys me when someone becomes the double of someone else.

I think that if you begin to act like you're someone else it becomes just that, an act. For me, I would find it tiring to have to act like I was someone else the whole time rather than just be me. I wish people weren't so scared to be themselves. Of course, it could be because they aren't that confident and are able to hide their true self by being someone else. But it's sad because it means that if you can't be yourself now, when will you ever have the courage to be yourself!? This post has been random I know, but it's just something that's always annoyed me.

Surely you're too busy being yourself to try and act like someone you're not...

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