Wednesday 11 January 2012

(1) Blog About Films

She liked him and he liked her.
They went out.
They broke up.
Realised they couldn't live without one another.
*Cue a music montage*
Get back together...THE END.

Sound familiar? This is more or less the usual story to most films nowadays, well the RomComs anyway. And don't get me wrong, I adore them and love a good ending as much as the next person. However I also think that films can sometimes glaze over the truth. They can portray life as one big movie in itself in which we live with this idea that we want to find the perfect person based on someone in film. Or if someone in a film goes through what we go through and they get back together or it all works out okay then why shouldn't that happen to us? I'm well aware this all sounds like i'm picking on films, but i'm not! Anyone that knows me will know that I love nothing more than to settle down and watch an attractive male find a pretty girl and everything to work out just swell in the end.

However, just the other day I watched a film i'd never seen before. It was called (500) Days of Summer.

^^UK promo poster^^

It was basically your standard romantic comedy type film. Only it didn't have its usual ending. (If you haven't seen it and want to watch it skip this part..i'll put it in blue!)
It basically is about a guy who meets a girl. She's never been that much into relationships because she thinks that when you're young you should have fun and leave all the serious stuff until you're older. He's really into her though and eventually they start dating each other. The whole film flicks back and forth through 500 days of their time together and apart. It shows how she starts to act strange and doesn't want to hang out as much and eventually they break up. He (Tom) is gutted because he still loves her (Summer) and vows to get her back. At the end though she ends up with someone else and they are friends. It shows how he is forced to move on because she gets married to someone else. There is a really nice final scene between the two where she talks about what happened.

I was watching it and I thought, that's brilliant! A film about what everyone will probably go through in their life! Sometimes it just doesn't work out and you are forced to move on from someone even if you don't want to. I've been recommending this film to anyone that hasn't seen it. I think it's a really good idea. I'm sure there are other films with the same thing but this is the only modern one I have seen.

There's a part in the film where he is asking her about all her old boyfriends and then says, "What happened to them all?"
And she says, "What always happens, life."

This is so true. Life doesn't always give you what you want and sometimes things just don't work out between two people even if one person thinks it could.

Something I think everyone can relate to...

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