Wednesday 18 January 2012

Growing Pains: School

I remember my first day at Coleraine High School like it was yesterday. The school seemed so big and everyone else so tall. I was about to begin an exciting chapter of life, high school!

I remember us all getting a chair and sitting in a circle in our form room, learning about where one another had come from. Back then it seemed like the next 7 years were going to be long and stretch out. And yet, here I am halfway through Lower Sixth, going through AS Level stresses and talking about University courses!

I have to admit though, talking about University excites me greatly. I have cousins and a sister at Uni and they always seem to be having such a great time that I can't wait to have my own experience! However, it also worries me! I'll have to pick a course and hope for the life of me that it was the right choice. What if I can't do the work? What if I can't cope? Listening to friends, I see that i'm not the only one worrying about these sorts of things. I have one friend who is looking at courses in America! I think that's an incredibly brave thing to even think about doing. I'm all for going away and starting fresh somewhere, but I secretly like the comfort of knowing I'll only ever be at least a two hour flight away from home and everything I know and am comfortable with.

Growing up is scary. But if it's one thing i've learnt this (school) year, it's that nothing stays the same forever and eventually you realise that you just have to hold on to the safety rail and ride the bumpy rollercoaster that is life.
                                                                                                  ^----- (yay for cheesy ending)

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