Monday 19 December 2011

This Year...

2011 brought many things with it. It was a split year of both good and bad things. I suppose in many ways it was one of the biggest years of my life so far. Things happened that I had never experienced before and in a way I feel like in this year I grew up and learnt a bit more about myself.

The start of 2011 was fun filled and exciting. Lots of things were happening in my life that I was happy about. I had a large group of friends that hung out every weekend and we all were comfortable with the same old routine. May and June brought my GCSE exams and although they were so stressful and I more a less a zero social life most of the time, the hard work was worth it and the summer meant so much more to me.

Summer brought a lot of change. Someone that had been such a part of everyone's lives moved away to America and although it was very sad and maybe sudden for a few people, it was also VERY exciting! July seemed to fly by and it suddenly it was August. I went on my very first Outreach Team and it was so good! I found myself having to be put into situations that I wasn't used to and found myself tested. However, it was such a good experience and definitely one of the hightlights of my summer. August also brought my GCSE results and I was so so SO pleased with my results! (And the fact I was back in school!)

September brought back school, I was no longer in GCSE mood and now in 6th Form mood. September again brought change as many people I was used to seeing around the place moved away to go to Universities overseas and elsewhere. This was hard as my own sister went to England and as much as I was very excited for her I was also very sad to see her go and not have her around the house. I suppose the end of September was where most things kicked off.

October wasn't a very good month for me. If you've read my previous posts you'll know all about why. Someone important to me, who was a huge part of my life for so long was suddenly not part of it anymore. It was a major shock to the system and I suppose I wasn't prepared for it at all. October and November were my 'down' months. I wasn't myself for those months, I felt lonely and confused. Part of me still feels a bit lost and confused but having everybody back has made me feel like part of the old group and it's nice to have everyone back again.

Change was a huge part of my year. I have gone through more emotions than I ever have. I have cried more times than I knew was physically possible. I've felt feeling I thought really only existed in films and didn't really happen to people. But I've also learnt that life throws things at you that you don't always expect. Get too comfortable with something and life is sure to put you to the test. I don't know why some things happened this year, I don't know why everything had to change so suddenly this year. What I do know is that as long you have your friends and family around you, and you let time pass, it will heal.

Sure, I'm still hurting. I might still be hurting in a months time, in four months time. Who knows? I believe that you should never be pushed into something. You take as much time as you need.

2011 and was a strange year. It brought laughter, good memories, many photos, crazy dances, new experiences, relationship, new friendships, heartache and many tears. If I had to change some things, sure, maybe a few things like appreciating what you have when you have it, but overall I think I needed this year to teach me a few life lessons. 

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