Tuesday, 20 March 2012

I Think I Missed The Memo

I haven't blogged in a while... okay a really long time. But that's because SO MUCH HAS BEEN HAPPENING. Yep, not really, but thought i'd add that in there for a bit of hyperbole. There is one little thing that's got me thinking though, so here I am!
In reference to my title, I have a question to ask. When did drinking and having sex become 'cool' and the 'in crowd' thing to do? I hate to repeat myself, but I literally think i've missed some kind of memo or meeting about it because suddently everyone around me is doing it! (Pun not intended)

Some of my closest friends I barely see anymore because they're out getting drunk or just drinking in general. Now don't get me wrong, I personally don't drink myself but I for the mean time I don't see anything wrong with it if it's what they want to do. It just means that i've been left with nothing to talk to them about because we no longer hang out at the weekends and we have different social circles. It's sad to see them have changed so much but I suppose things and people change and maybe it's just a phase they're going through and they'll come out better at the other side.

Another concern; I was talking to two girls today in my free periods. They're not my best friends or anything but i've known them for years and so we often share stuff with each other. Anyhoooo, they were discussing today how a girl in my year recently slept with someone for the first time this past weekend. When I found this out, my face literally went... :O (!) I couldn't believe it, she was the last person I would expect to do something like that. She wasn't even going out with the guy!? He's the sort of guy that says he loves you but in actual fact he's 'loving' you and about ten other girls.
After I heard about this, the other two were talking about the countless times they've slept with guys and how other girls in my year had started a long time ago. I couldn't believe it, somehow my year group has gone MAD. I hate that some girls feel pressured into that sort of thing once they get a boyfriend who might be a little older than them.

(Just to clarify, i'm not trying to make myself sound completely innocent here and that i'm all 'anti-drink and boys should be banned from existence) 

It's really made me realise that there are loads of girls in my year who have really changed in the past few months. I just hope they don't regret anything they do.

There's a chance that girl from earlier may be pregnant, she's not sure yet. I can't help but think, will he still 'love' her if his world is turned upside-down and he becomes a dad?

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