Sunday 26 February 2012

What Is Love?

Is it a truth or is it a fear?
Is it a rose for my Valentine?
What is love?

Is it only words I'm trying to find
Or is it the way that we're feeling now?
What is love?

If love is truth then let is break my heart
If love is fear, lead me to the dark
If love is a game, I'm playing all my cards
What is love? What is love?

A pain or a cure, a science of faith
A reason to fall to your knees and die
What is love?

If love is truth then let is break my heart
If love is fear, lead me to the dark
If love is a game, I'm playing all my cards
What is love? Love, love, love
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Only you can save me now
Only you can heal me now
Only you can show me now
What is love?

Oh, is it a truth or is it a fear?
Is it a rose for my Valentine?
What is love? Ooh, what is love?
'What Is Love?' - Take That

Friday 24 February 2012

Today I Met Up With My Old Friend, Change

I knew I was going to cry before I'd even had a chance to figure out why. I do that sometimes, feel lots of things like memories and times that have now passed, well up inside me and then my brain goes "You're going to!"  
Once again, I've been feeling the weight of everything changing around me. If you don't know me personally you'll never really understand just how much has changed for me and why I seem to be making such a big deal over it. I was walking through school in my free period today and I bumped into my friend, actually someone who was my best friend for 5 years. We're still friendly, but we're nowhere near as close. I got to thinking, as I was talking to her, how is it that in the space of 6 months eveything had changed? We were in seperate classes and yet there was really no reason why we couldn't still be as friendly.. I thought back to this time last year when things we so different. It's weird for me to get used to all this so quickly.

(I'm well aware that I have been talking about change in pretty much every blog i've ever written and I'm still as useless at getting used to it now as I was then!)

I'm trying to stay strong, and move on. I really really am. I know it doesn't seem it but I want to not be bothered anymore by the changes that have happened, especially the major ones.

Change is scary. It can creep up on you when you least expect it to.

I'll end on a quote that a good friend told me about today. I can always rely on him to be my motivator!

Proverbs 3: 5-8
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."

Monday 13 February 2012

Love Is In The Air.. Ewh.

I was walking home today and I realised that all around me people were carrying cards, chocolate, flowers and other types of presents. It was like walking around in a romcom movie set. The only single person among a sea of happy, swooning couples.

Valentine's Day. I've never been a big fan of the whole idea. Maybe it's just because i'm bitter... no, I joke! I can understand why some people get really into it. What could be better than spending a whole day with your ball and chain..I mean, other half! But why should one day be more important than any other if you really liked that person? For one day only you shower someone with compliments, chocolates and flowers!? Am I the only one thinks this is absurd? Almost, dare I say it.. fake? Who knows. That's just my opinion. Then again, I've never had the pleasure of spending Valentine's with someone.. yet(!)

I also can't help but think about the people that aren't spending the 14th with someone because maybe they've recently broken up, maybe they lost that person due to illness or something like that. With all these red roses and hearts thrown in their faces you can't help but feel for them. I think Valentine's Day is just a huge hype and a way for card shops and online businesses to gain a little money.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for the mushy stuff (believe it or not), but I think it should be shown for more than just one day a year.

Anyhoo, all I want to say is, Happy Valentine's Day to EVERYONE. Whether you're single or not, I hope you have a superb day.

Who's to say you can't buy yourself some chocolates and eat them alone!? Just me then? Alrighty....

Sunday 5 February 2012


Tonight I went to my youth fellowship, 'Alf'. I haven't been in a long time, for a number of reasons to be honest. But tonight I went.

We watched a video by Luis Giglio and he talked about the immensity of the stars and how much bigger they are in comparison to our tiny earth. It really put into perspective how small we are and put me in my place. But it also helped show me something I think I needed to hear. If you think about how small you are, on earth and in comparison with space and the vast galaxies, you may feel insignificant, but God still loves you. You are so special to Him and he listens to you when you need him most.

Over the past few months I haven't really been myself. I've been going through things and having tough times. Tonight made me see that even though I may feel like luck isn't on my side and I ask myself "why does this have to happen to me" etc etc, I know that God is actually with me and this is all part of HIS plan for me, no matter how tough it seems or how confusing it might be. Everything was going so well but then BAM it all changed and I was miserable. It's taken a while but i'm slowly beginning to see that there is more to life than just the negatives.

You have two choices, bad things happen and you either wallow in self-pity and wonder why oh why, or you get up and keep going because there ARE greater things to come and it is all part of an amazing plan.

I have amazing friends around me and some far away. People who always listen to me going on and on about the same old and yet they always have time to listen. I am especially thankful for them. school is going pretty well, I have things coming up which I am looking forward to and everyone in my family is in good health.

Yes, there are bad times that can are confusing, but there are so many more positive things to focus on.

So tonight, I am thankful.