Tuesday 15 May 2012

Study, Spectacles & Summa '12

Hey!, Howdy!, Hello!, Greeting & Salutations one and all!

I haven't blogged in about a month.. because once again SOOOO MUCH (nothing) HAS HAPPENED!

I'll quickly run through the main things that take up my life atms:

  • Study leave (yeaaaaah!)
  • Revision x1000 (Zzzzzzz)
  • Glasses (I'll explain)
  • Holiday news (sun,sea,sand)
So that's the jist of things that have been happening..bye!

What's that? ELABORATE? Well, if you insist....
As my year head said, "Lower Sixth study leave commences at the grand hour of 3:25pm on Friday afternoon" (that's Friday past for you and me)
My Lower Sixth is over!? WHAT!? Cannot comprehend how quickly this year and flooooown in! I'll be one of the oldest next year? Crazy times, but i'm looking forward to the coming months!
Revision, well, what can I really say about that? It's still as interesting as writing out the dictionary in Latin. My exams begin on 31st May and end on 20th June.. YESSS
Glasses, I now wear them... (!) Only for reading the board in school and sometimes for tv, depending on how bipolar my eyes are feeling....

HOLIDAY! CELEBRATE! I found out yesterday that I am in Menorca for two weeks this summer with the fam! (minus Soph) Cannot wait for this! It'll be a nice break and it'll be sunny and warm and... ahhhh! Roll on Summa '12!

So yeah, that's about it. It's going to busy next few months but there's rewards at the end and i'm feeling better than I have done in a LONG TIME.



(I can't get used to these)

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